Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story (Review!)

Hey Readers!!!! I'm coming at you with another review! Although the girl in this story is black, I don't think her case was judged like that because of her skin color, it was more of.... Well, let me just begin.

Cyntoia Brown, a girl who was convicted of a crime in 2004. This was when she was 16 years of age. She was a child. Did she commit the crime? Yes, infact she did. She killed a man and was sentenced to life in prison (well 60 years with parole after 51). Why is this a story since she did commit the crime? Well, to answer your question, it wasn't the case of if she did it; it was why she did it. Let me explain.

Cyntoia Brown came from a bloodline of... messed up people if you will. In this documentary, they refer to her as a child who didn't have a chance before birth and didn't have a chance now (at the time that is). She comes from a family of mentally abused, molested, and addicted people. This was on her mother's side by the way. Her father wasn't mentioned, but it was mentioned that her mother got pregnant at 16. She does have an adoptive mother as well, where she collects her last name from. Alright, let's fast forward to the night of the murder. Cyntoia had a 'boyfriend' named Kut-throat. The word 'boyfriend' was in quotations because he was more like a pimp. He was a pimp. Cyntoia was considered a prostitute in 2004, but nowadays (and we thank God for that) we would have considered her a sex slave. This was who she was. On this faithful day, she was going about doing her business looking for work. A man asked her if she wanted a ride, she said yeah. He asked if he was looking for work, she said yeah. They agreed on $150 for the night. I'll spare the intimate details so that you can watch this yourself and understand it more. Long story short, he took her to his house, she did her job (I hate the fact that a child had to do what she did), and they went to sleep. She got scared because he did something to her and gave her a fierce look. Mind you, this man had many guns in this house. She thought he was reaching for one, then she reached for one and shot him. She did it, no question about that. The case in court was whether it was self-defence or premeditated. I'd actually like to hear what you think after you watch this. 

The case was taken to court and transferred from Juvenile to Criminal Court. This was in the state of Texas by the way. She did lose the battle, sadly and had to spend 15 years of her life in jail. What got her out? Her story was told to someone, and they had her tested. Remember when I said her mother got pregnant at 16 and she was from a messed up family. Well her mother drank alcohol until the eighth month of her pregnancy. Don't blame her mother, she didn't know better because she was hurt and confused. Don't blame her mother's mother because she too was hurt and confused. All 3 of them abused, molested, and addicted. Anyways, the side effects of alcohol on an infant will damage them...forever. Cyntoia had a cognitive problem (I don't remember the name) that doesn't allow her to think like a normal person. Infact, they said that the part of her brain that was affected can be compared to a person with mental retardation. The evidence wasn't shown in court at the beginning, so obviously, everything had to be reprocessed. Especially considering the fact that she can't be trialed as a prostitute any more but as a sex slave. They decided to take the humanity and mental state of this child (now adult) into consideration, as well as the fact that she was A SEX SLAVE!!!!!! Spoiler Alert: As of 2019 she is out of prison and doing her best to live her life and become a new person!

Personally, I think that this documentary was very informative! I loved watching it and I love happy-endings! Although, I did feel uncomfortable because I don't wish this on any child. I advise you to watch it and educate yourself more about the judicial system and the law in general. It will definitely help you! It's available on Netflix. Tell me what you think! Stay smart, woke, and beautiful!!!!!!!! 

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Instagram: reviewqueen6



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