"Birthright" by Adenike Lucas (Requested Review!!!)
Hey readers!!!!! Today I’m back with something very very special. This is my first REQUESTED REVIEW!!!!!! It’s kind of the equivalent of a lifestyle blogger’s brand deal except I’m not getting paid…yet 😏. Anyways, I’d like to acknowledge the author that reached out to me with such a pleasant piece of literature. *DRUM ROLL* Adenike Lucas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was the very first author to reach out to me with his book, Birthright . Told you I had something special planned 😉. Let me just tell you something now now. This book right here is beautifully written. At first I thought I would have to call out the confusion in time eras and all of that, but all of that is explained later on. Nothing is out of place here, everything is perfectly explained and written. Look man, Imma need you to buy this book immediately after this review because you are in for a sweet sweet treat. Also, I’m not sure if this is a spoiler alert but there are some very scary things that happen in this book. Although, ...